Friday, 1 October 2010

Ok, time to do the essay....ooohhh shiney

So today I had my first essay to do in five months or so. It stuck me, as it always does when I write the bloody things, is how I can write 2, 000 words in a short story in an hour and a half, a blog in twenty minutes but It takes 5 hours to write a thousand words for an essay. It because of interest of course, I'm interested in my writing and my blogging but not so much in the causes of Chris Columbus and his inability to read a map.
That has to be crap of course because I love English and film and I love talking abut them so It cant be that.
I think it must be because I'm obsessive about the word count. The word count reaches the limit and I can knock off and go get some skittles so i watch it.
I was watching it today for my 1, 000 word essay earlier it ran like this
12.00-12.30: 503 words
12.31-12.45:525 words
12.46-1.00: 600 words
1.01-1.45: 1001 words
See the closer it gets to the limit the more I spend my time, sighing, eating crisps, stretching, cleaning my glasses rather than actually fecking writing. When I'm writing my stories I'm hunched over the keyboard attacking it like it called my mom something horrible.
The other problem is that I am usually excited coming to the blank page with writing. I'm looking forward to what happens with my characters as much as the readers are. With an essay you will do ANYTHING to avoid writing it. Last year when the essays had started to pile up my room had never been that tidy, my books were organised, the room was dusted for feck sake. It was at the point that I said to myself "perhaps I should get some ironing done" that I realised I had lost my mind and I needed to start writing the essay.
Point of fact I'm writing this when I should be editing the essay I just finished, damn it.
Comment, rate, subscribe so I have something to respond too rather than doing essay work
wait was the word count 1, 000 or 1, 500 for that essay ?? ahhhhhbugger

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