Tuesday, 12 October 2010

It's a kid thing

So I was talking with a few friends today about their kids and we were sharing stories. I borrowed liberally from my own childhood and from my niece and nephew so i had something to say like but anyway. It occurred to me that allot of the stuff you do as a child and get away with would get you locked up now
1. have a fist fight
2.play by yourself all afternoon, taking to yourself and inventing whole worlds.
3. throwing a screaming meeme's fit in tesco because you cant get penguins
4.stair at someone on the bus till they get uncomfortable and move
5. point at someone in the street and in the loudest voice possible say "why is... physical aspect of someone so big/small/lopsided"
6. ask the why? question more than twice
and so on.
Did we have more fun as kids? is youth really wasted on the young? Of course we all have our childish moments and to misquote Billy Connelly "I don't want to hang around with someone when presented with a whole bunch of lego wont try and make something with it"
Ohhhhh I had the best collection of lego! Every year dad would get a big pirate ship or a police station out of lego, build it once with the instructions then watch with tears in his eyes and his three sons tear it apart and make "spaceshipsfrommars" (all one word deliberate)
One time....Do you remember quantum leap? Do you remember Al had that hand held calculator thing that told him everything? Well I build one of those and we played quantum leap all after noon one time.......coff ive said too much ( we also played Indiana Jones and the staircase of evil, with my papas old had, my dads old tool kit bag and a rubber snake for the whip)
So favourate toy? game?? did you in fact follow the instructions with legos??
Actually speaking of which I have an urge to go get some. talk laterokby

WOW you can get harry potter leggos!!!! thats so coooool

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