Monday, 4 October 2010

It'a love thing

So, given I kinda "went off on one" yesterday cos I was freaked out about the nightmare today I'm gonna get back on track.
Love is a many splendid thing, all you need is love, love is all around.
One of my favourite movie of all time is ..shhhhh. "the Holiday", the reason for this is because it features all the different type of love. Love for a good man/woman, love of you children, lost love, nostalgic love and of course unreturned love. Love, the purest emotion there is, that is not given back is a horrible feeling.
I'm not going to go on about this but I've been in love and it makes you a better person for it.
human being are, by nature, selfish creatures. We really only think about ourselves the majority of the time. Think about it almost every emotion you have is motivated one way or another is because your selfish.
Anger, this will affect me!, jealousy, why can't I have that!, happiness, something good has happened to me!.
Me, me, me.
But not love. Love is what happens when someone Else's happiness becomes your priority. That's why relationships fail. People forget that its the other person you have to be there for because they will be there for you.
Now this is not a totally unbiased view, im a secret ( not so secret, ed) hopeless romantic. Hampered of course by my male brain. I can wax lyrcal about love on the cold page but find myself only able to mutter an awkward "love you" with a blush in person. And thats even if I get the courage to say it in the first place. My usualy MO is to become friends first, set up in the freinds \one, and within weeks become the mayor and have endure this line more than once.
"You're such a good friend!! I would never date you it would ruin the friendship. Now help me with my boyfriend issues"
If I sound bitter, I'm not really because I really beleave if its right, its right. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise :)

anyway tomorrow, some jokes!
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And love each other

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