Tuesday, 5 October 2010

It's an intelligence thing

_._.   ....  ._.  ..   ...  , human torch, Dr. Faustis, Discovered the new world

In incomprehensible series of non related gibberish you might think, but not so. Everything in the above line is related. I watched a program some time ago about idiot savants. People who are able to do pie to 500 digits in their head or copy a Rembrandt but are incapable of looking after themselves. These poor individuals are a genetic accident, unfortunate souls who cannot understand the world around them but understands everything else.
The line at the top? Yes Im getting there.
One guy in particular stood out, with an IQ not really measurable every time he thinks of something a torrent of information related to that thought pores out of his mouth and he's unable to stop himself. Ask him where he lives? Bowler Avenue. Bowlers play a game that comes in many different forms, including ten pin, nine pin, five pin or Duck pin. The common duck (family Anatidae) are a breed of aquatic birds that can be found on both fresh or salt water, salt (NaCl) is one of the oldest preservatives known to man the world Salary is derived from it. AAAaaand so on ( had to stop there it was oddly hypnotic, try it yourself if your bored :D)
So you see although he is able to memorise and process the information he doesn't fully understand it.

Thats not my problem, My problem is my brain is just a cluttered place. I'm no idiot savant Im just....ditzy. Is there a male version of Ditzy?? Answers on a postcard too....
I have a similar issue to our friend who lives on bowler Avenue, when something pops into my head a bunch other related, but useless, information pops in there too. 
He'rs an example taken from a lecture this week when we were talking about explorers during the Renaissance .
Lecturer: So as you can see  Columbus.....
Me now thinking : Didn't the animanicas do a song about him. No wait im thinking of Magellan they did a song about him. And the 50 states in America...wait 50?? 51?? No its gotta be 50 because there was that film with Ewan McGregor in it called the "fifty first state" which means us. Would it be so bad to be American? Well I wouldn't mind but It wouldn't be a good idea for Britain. Why is everyone leaving?? Ohshit the class is finished. Wait is it English next? What day is it?  AAAaaaannnnd so on.
So really im just a high IQ away from being an Idiot savant...Wait does that just me an idiot???......Balls

Books Im reading, Steven King still and Dr. Faustis for class

....Oh you wanted me to tell you what the stuff at the top has in common??? See how many you get yourself :)

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