Friday, 8 October 2010

It's a Scottish thing

Jeeze I dint blog yesterday. Why didn't anyone tell me i cant be expected to remember everything. Actually it was deliberate since im in the middle of essay hell right now. 2, 000 words about ...ahhhh you don't care but its dull anyway.
I try and convince myself that an essay is a way to show off you're knowledge, get excited about what your saying I'm not always successful.
So that's why no post yesterday and prolly  a wee one the day.
I watched braveheart yesterday, no a good film to watch in mixed company. I have friends from all over the globe including England and frankly I'm a modern Scot who believes that all that "auld enemy" nonsense is in the dim and distant past but watch that film and oh mey gods it does things to you. Then anchent gingery bearded Scots  that are your ancestors start clamoring in your veins and all of of a sudden you wearing a bath towel around you waste and claiming yourself to be Chris of clan Blackness avenue and It's not like drink was involved. Certain other things do it too, American tourists exclaiming that "they have roads" also gets copious amounts of ginger hair to grow on my chest...but that's another story
Sigh right this isn't getting any work done back to silent movies of Hollywood, aaaah damn it I promised myself I wouldn't bore you with it, oh well.

Movies you should watch: Chaplin , starring Robert Downey Jr.

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