Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Its a bullying thing

So I was bullied ...allot
( the comedian in me very much wants to just stop there hehehe)
And I know I know everyone gets bullied, nothing new, stop moaning, etc.... but this is what I want to talk about today so , thbbbbtttt ( this btw the noise that you make when you stick your tongue out and tried it didn't you, shakes head).

I have a paradoxical  ( a word I just spelt correctly despite that fact I cant spell allot...) feeling towards all the bulling I went through. On one hand i really has affected me in everything I do, say, feel and without it I would be very different. However I don't particularly like myself most of the time so....shrugs.
I can attribute my humour to it though and without the funny i would be COMPLETELY different. You see its harder for someone to pound you if there laughing (yeah ok kicking them in the bollox has the same affect but id need a step ladder). Since I was the centre of attention anyway cos of all the flying rocks at my head i figured I could get it to work for me. Much better to be in the middle of the circle throwing puns than punches.
That said I'm irrationally sensitive about anything i might consider bulling. Sometimes if a friend is just making a joke about me i have to remind myself its all in fun and they don't really mean it. And where's the line? I can call myself fat but if someone shouts "move fatty" in my face, even as a joke, it hurts. I mean is that fair? no its not and frankly it must be hard for the people around me to know whats alright to joke about
It gave me a temper, lets face it i can be a grump at times. ( but don't call me grumpy, it gets me grump.....uh annoyed).
It gave me the ability to laugh at myself, see the pain in others so clearly that I know how to help, never never push a joke to far as to hurt someones feelings.
So what does all this add up too??
Thanks bullies for making me...well me ( i guess), I feel bad that when you look back on our childhood that is what you will remember.( that said I'm sure there was no need for the spitting incident)

So ever been bullied? being bullied now?? ever bullied someone else??
I have to call my mom, once she See's this she'll be worried, wish me luck
P.S Im not sad, worried depressed or being bullied its just what occured to me to write about......SKITTLES

1 comment:

  1. understand completely, people need to have boundaries, you should never call anyone fat, you never know what illness they've had or could be fighting and a joke like that just cuts deep, no matter who the person. think before you speak. and save some skittles for me :D
