Saturday, 16 October 2010

It's a single thing

10 warning signs that you have been single too long develop an  unhealthy relationship with the internet
2. you get a hobby that you previously would have horrified you 4 months ago ( say knitting for example....or building matchstick wonders of the world) realise you've gained 30 pounds and instead of freaking out you say "meh"
4. when dancing in a club you find a spot where you wont be seen start hugging friends of the opposite sex sliiiiiiiightly to long start hugging friends of the same sex sliiiiiiiiighty to long eat a whole Pringle can in one sitting now
8.Romantic comedies cause you to start muttering darkly about the state of the world become obsessive about computer games venting all your aggression on them
10.facebook starts offering you Alcoholics Anonymous ads as well as single sites
11. you start bloggin allot more

I often wonder if human are animals that are supposed to be single all the time only to meet someone have some kids and then leave again. I don't think so, apart from anything else society has allot of pressure on people to be a couple. Ads on TV do not feature single people unless its an add for porn or that's it.
Think about it, even the laddish beer adverts usually feature a couple, albeit a warped version of one. Politician's talk about family values, holidays are for 2, 4 or 6 people, when you go to a restaurant the waitress always asks if you waiting for someone if you are there alone.
So no we are not meant to be alone but being single does offer you other opportunity's. When you in  a couple (this is just my take on it mind) your job is to make THEM happy and their job is to make you happy. This means allot of your time is taken up with focusing on the other person. When your single you are allowed to focus on yourself.
always a silver lining that's me
OK, so best/worst thing about being single?
Personally the best thing is the freedom it allows you, you are beholden to no one and so can come and go as you please.
Worst thing? having no one in your life you can just hang out with, relax be yourself, all the silly in jokes noone else gets.
Any thoughts??
I have to go I can hear the skittles calling me....and some pringles

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