Saturday, 9 October 2010

It's a moral thing

So at the moment we are studying the Renascence in both history and English class, which is good for me because its related (someone recently asked me if film studies was doing the same thing to which my response was "medieval times didn't produce as many films as you would think"). But it got me thinking, at the time people were becoming conflicted as to what made you a moral person. How did you live your life and aim to be the best possible version of yourself? Medieval times it was easy, be a christian, do what the church said and you were off the hook and no matter my issues with the church they usually do promote, kindness, be good to each other, don't hurt, kill , steal from one another. Then in the Renaissance it was to study the classical arts, philosophy, art, music and they will lead you down the path of being a good person. They argued that with a good education the only logical conclusion you could draw was to be a nice guy. Nowadays its harder.
Thin about it, really think. What makes you a good person? Be nice to you're friends and family? look after your kids? No I say that is something that should be the baseline of your behaviour. Everyone should to that regardless and so doing it doesn't make you "good". Give to charity?? Nope, some of us don't have money to give, does that make us evil?? of course not
Some would even argue of course that I'm being childish and that such black and white notions of good and evil only exist in the comic books. Id have to disagree, Ive seen evil and good in people.
Hand on heart I personally  would say that to try to be a good person IS being a good person. If you try a little bit in every way to be a little better in every way that's you being good.
Sure a little politeness goes along way, do something once in awhile (even if it puts you out) that helps a friend ( and this is the important bit) not waiting for a pat on the head is a good thing.
Trying to put right what once went wait that's quantum leap.
Point is to try, is to improve.

So whats you're opinion on all this? what makes a "good" person??


  1. ah good old morality, I took philosophy back in high school so for me, I take on the view that to be a moral person, and to do good, comes down to good will. Putting someone before yourself out of good will and not to recieve an award or a pat on the back, to do it cos it's right and not to make yourself feel better (:

  2. Good answer Broeknroses, hehehe I can see it now. Tomorrows blog "is there such a thing as a selfless good deed", hmmmm wasn't that an episode of friends?

  3. hahaha not an episode that i've seen and yeah go for it, i could probably write an answer to that one too!

  4. Uh i thinks its called "the one where Pheobie hates PBS" its like the 5th or 6th very sad that i still remember that
