Thursday, 14 October 2010

Its a tiding thing

So It's been a while since I did something stupid. I mean really boneheaded, idiotic, well you get the idea.
Yesterday I got locked out of my flat. My flatmates put the chain on and I couldn't get in. I had to sleep on the landing, when that became too uncomfortable I went to sleep outside. Then I got licked by a dog who was being taken for a walk at don't really know how much you screwed up until you get licked in the face by a strange dog at 6am.
So it was with a slightly spaced out view on the world that I started to tidy my room. It hasn't gotten like....really bad but it needed done.
I hovered, put things know tidied. I drifted off for a bit and I was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water when my phone started ringing. I looked around a couldn't find the bloody thing. The phone went off but whoever it was texted and so the text noise would sound occasionally. I hunted high and low but couldn't find it so I gave up. I went into the fridge to get iron bru and found my phone......and my keys.
Somehow at some point in my mad cleaning spree I had put them in the fridge.
I stood there for sometime looking at my ice cold keys and contemplating how the day started with being licked in the face and was halfway through with frozen debit cards.
I was gonna do some washing but at this stage id end up with one red sock in all the whites and ending up looking like a bottle of pepto bismol.
Sometimes I wander what it's like for normal people who this sort of thing does not happen too. I wonder what they talk about at parties?? hehehe
Plus I tried to use lynx on my face instead of shaving foam. So its been a good day.
Whats you worst day ever story?? This isn't mine but we don't have space on the interwebs for all of that.
I'm away to sit quietly in my room and pray for dawn.

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