Friday, 15 October 2010

It's a fashion thing

SO! hows it going?
I am feeling very cheerful today after looking at how many views i've gotten on this thing. The first i dunno 10 or so had about three views each and yesterdays had 24 ooohhh yeah Im popular!.
I did debate even doing one today since yesterday I got greedy and did two but I figured that since one was a flashback it should be fine.
I need a hair cut the curl on the right hand side of my head is back . It always pops up when it gets too long (that's what she said ) its kinda like when the timer pops out on a thanksgiving turkey to show you its done (tone down the American about 20% bub). I bring this up because image is not important to me really. I don't follow fashion, don't wear the latest style hair cut anything like that but recently I've begun to wonder if I shouldn't maybe tidy up my appearance by say 30% ( what's with all the percentages?? this is startin to sound like a math text book). I mean a 30 year old cant go around dressed like a 20 year old it looks to try hard but then I thought well what are 30 year old's supposed to wear?
Jeans? weeeel there's that whole Jeremy Clarkson thing so we wont go there, then there's proper trousers but I feel stupid in them unless im at a job interview, sweat no, I went to the shop in my "House trousers" (sweat pants) the other day and was awkward. What does that leave us with??? Shorts? not good for 8 months of the year. Bicycle shorts ? (AHHH MY EYES IT BURNS). Fuckin chinos? nah I'm 30 not 60.
Well there you have it as a 30 year old I should wear ....balls did we run out of clothes for the bottom half? Hmmmm fine what about a kilt? Don't look at me like that I look good in a kilt, I have good legs.
Ok Awkward....
This being said I have taken a look around my fellow students and at the moment the big fashion choice amount men and women is to wear goggles.
We'll take a moment for that to sink in....dont worry I'll wait.....Fine i'll go pee while your freeking out.....Done yet? gordon bennet Fine ill just start with out you ( thats what she said)
Yeah so goggles, various colours, round the neck or on the forehead it all good. Sometimes it makes me feel like im going to uni in the future so thats kinda cool.
So it would appear that one mans sweatpants are another mans goggles, a sentence I can guarantee you have never been written before.

Worst fashion mistake you ever made?? Mine was (apart from a certain hot pink dress) beige shorts, big socks (white), proper shoes (black), and a black t shirt . Oooh ooooh and there was this other time I went to the shops in my dressing gown by accident
ttfn, I have to go throw out some stuff from my wardrobe just to be on the safe side

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