So I'm eating crisps. I really shouldn't as I have a mild addiction to them. Ie won't commit crime for them but will threaten people with physical violence if you were to eat my last packet.
When I finish a bag I fold it once, twice then twist it once and then tie it in a knot. I do this every time, always the same way. Sometimes I note things like that and worry that I might become obsessive compulsive but then I realise I'm too lazy for that so....
Everyone has stuff like that. How many times have you watched a girlfriend/boyfriend/husband etc... do something and think to yourself "pffft they freekin do that every time with their tea bag. Dip in twice then on the side of the plate. Or they always split open an Oreo and eat each section separately."
At what point though does it move from quirk to full blown psychosis? (a word that apparently I can spell fine but struggle with crisps...I always add an 'h', sigh)
Actually, tomorrow (If I remember) I want to post a blog with all the spelling mistakes in tact to see how much editing one of these things takes cos of my daft brain, should be fun.
...Did I just interrupt myself...twice??? Wow aaaaaanyway. The human brain is a complex machine and so its OK if it throws a cog every now and then. Some of my other habits include
doodling on any peace of paper that passes me by.
Playing with something like a pen lid or paper clip while I'm thinking or doing something else until I have destroyed it to its component atoms
whistle the same three or four bar tune (which I don't know) at odd times.
Say shut up Chris if I think Ive gone too far, in front of people, out loud.
change my pillow round and round through the night searching for the "cool" side
and so on. You know reading this list makes me want to take some kind of "So you think you're a nutter?" test.
I've only just scratched the surface as well. The really fun thing is that you can pass on these quirks to people close to you. I'm sure that the reason my brother twirls his wedding band round and round is because our father does the exact same thing. I started washing dishes with lots and lots of foam (more than you need trust me) after watching my ex do it over and over.
Oh and that doesn't cover the list of things I do with my specs. Wow we'd be here all night. I pull a really long face and push them up on my nose. I scrunch up my face to wiggle them back on if i don't have the energy for the finger thing. I take them off and rub my face if I'm trying to get my thoughts out of my mouth in some kind of order. I twirl the round by one leg.
You know what's coming don't you?
I would love to hear some weird habits of every ones. You know you want to. Probably my favourite is sometimes, when I think no ones watch i sniff my food before eating it. Not a sniff the milk to make sure its OK, I do a wee sniff of a fork full.
Well I'm off there are some men here that want to fit me for a shirt with extra long sleeves that buckle up the back. Ttfn
my ocd? all my dvds are in alphabetical order. all of them. and i freak out with films like meet the parents/fockers and the 4 original batman films, cos technically they should go in chronological order but then they aren't alphabetical.
ReplyDeleteoh, and mugs and teacups always have to have the handle pointing at a angle towards the right side of my body....