Sunday, 31 October 2010

It's a Samhain thing

Happy Haloween and a blessed Samhain to you all.
I LOVE this time of year. I've already said in a previous blog why so we wont go into that but I just wanted to say that I do. Also half moon tonight
A fool moon is nothing special, but a half moon... a half moon exists on the edge of things. Anything could happen.
I finally finished all my essays...for this week. I can't even blame it on bad planing or anything because they were due when they were due. Nothing I could have done to prevent it, nevertheless its been a stress. I need one day now where im not bringing home with me. However Ive missed out on some stuff trying to get essays done so now i need to catch up with that. GAH!
I do try to view essays as a chance to show of what ive learned but this week has been a chore.
Im sorry the posts have been a bit lacking of late  but hopefully normal service will resume soon. This blog relies on me thinking random stuff then writing it down, at the moment my brain is just full of Shakespeare. So unless you want to hear about that?? Anyone?? you up the back it looked like your hand was raised?? No??? oh......

Hamlet presents us with a dichotomy for two reasons, first....ok ok sorry hehehehe

I'll leave you with a little bit of scare just cos its Halloween.
There was this guy who found a picture in the street. A poleroid of a girl flashing the peace sign at the camera. She was truly stunning this girl. A figure hugging black top and a short but stylish white and black skirt. He couldn't get her out of his head so he asked everyone in his Uni class if they had ever seen her. No one had so he gave up disappointed but still he couldn't let it go. Then one day he spotted her crossing the street and was hit by an on coming car. He was dead before he hit the ground but the car rolled over him leaving him almost unrecognisable.
All the police found on him was a picture of a cute girl in a black skirt. She was holding up three fingers to the camera.


Saturday, 30 October 2010

it's a famous thing

So this essay is really getting AH SOD IT I WAS ON THE RADIO TODAAAY.
It was awesome sauce. The uni I go to had just started it first radio channel and one on the programs on it is co-presented by a friend of mine and so they asked me on the show. It deals with movies (natch) and so I was on there talking about 3d films, the horror genre and a lot of other stuff that kinda got off topic. But It was really good fun and they asked me back so fun times.
It all felt natural and not at all scary like I thought it would be. . Id always stayed away from the idea of doing radio because i know nothing about music but it turns out that really doesn't matter so something to think about.
Just a quick one cos im still in the middle of essay land but what was ur 5 seconds of fame like?
Been on the news? asked ur opining for the paper?? saved a girl from drowning???
I have to go be famous now, I still have 4 minutes and 25 seconds left

Friday, 29 October 2010

It's a poetry thing

The postie has a thankless task
let me in!
he is won't to ask

Our hero is a postie man
who gets up at the crack of dawn
who has to walk, there is no van
who will slip on dog shite on every lawn
He carries a pack that weights a ton
that sound you hear is breaking bone.

One time he walked the steps to number 3
the man who answered was dressed in skirts
"Oi Postie is that packet for me?"
"Why yes my good, for gods sake don't flirt"

He turned away with nea'ry a grin
but had to say something he's that kinda fellow
"I have to ask, don't kick me in"
"why are you wearing that dress of bright yellow"

The man looked down and looked back at our man
"You're right of course my face is aflame"
then with a flourish and an odd note of grace
he turned away with a muttering word
"Is that any way to talk to a dame"

The postie man walked away with a spring in his step
Despite the inflamed knee that was giving him jip
he thought to himself as he got to the last bit
wait till I tell the guys this, the best story Yit

So just for fun here's a new poem, haven't written any in a while and got the urge
Favourate poem??
Mine is Shakespeare's sonnet 116. Especially the line "Love is not times fool" powerful stuff

Thursday, 28 October 2010

It's an honesty thing

How honest should you be? Do little white lies just lead to big ones like weed is supposed to lead to crack? Or does the ability to lie keep all from killing each other. I consider myself to be an honest person but no one goes through thier day without lieing at least once. It doesn't happen. Even if you stayed home all day, didn't talk to anyone or anything you would have had to still lie to your boss/tutor so you could stay home.
Most lies are lies of ommision. If you dont bring up the subject or styeer the conversation away from the topic shold it come up. You still arnt telling the truth. I think lies of ommision can get you into truble but in the grand sceem of things are perfictly ok.
Then there are white lies. Yes I tihnk thats a good colour on you. No that hat doesn't make you liike like drug dealer. These lies are good too, because if you didn't have them you would be a, single for most of your life and b, prolly in jail.
Then there is a specific kind of lie. The lie that protects someone from themselves. Thats when someone asks you a direct question and you know the truthful answer  will hurt them and so so you lie.
The final kind of lie is the hardest to deal with. Lieing to yourself. Everyone doies it and if you were truthful to yourself all the time it be ahrd going to make it through the day. That said everyone needs a bit of self illusion as well as abit of self truth. A happy medium a always.
So what im saying here is that lieing.... is...... ok.....hmmmm an error seems to have crept in. Lieing isn't a good thing but I seem to have fallen on the side of its fien do what you want......

OK i'll tell you a story about lieing.
Once there was a young boy of about 4 or 5. Well call him Chri...jim. Jim had a problem with another little boy in school...several of them in fact. He wasn't allowed to feel part of anything adn join in any of theri raindeer games. One day one of the boys in Jim's class asked to borrow his sharpner. Jim said no. The other boy insisted he have it and Jim fearing he would never see it again said no again and pushed the other boy. The other boy jabbed Jim in the face with his pensil. When Jim got home his parents were very angry at what had transpired and asked Jim how it happened. Then Jim did a very silly thing. Gratified by all the attention and seeing a way to get back at the mean boys that made him cry all the time he lied. He said it just happened and that the other boy had no reason for doing what he did.
The boys father was very angry and Jim was scared but was now trapped in the lie. Jim's dad drove him all the way to the other boys house and made the boy apologise to Jim. But the boy told Jims father what really happened, the pensil sharpner, the shove, everything. Jim's dad was very quiet on the way back to the house and he said in a dissaponted voice that Jim had lied and that that was worse than anything else. Jim tryed to say sorry but it was too late.

Anyway it looks like the subject of lieing has to be viewed ona case by case basis. With a genral edging towards truthfulness if you can.

My favourate lies are the ones that are obviously bat shit but are delivered with such flare that you don't care.
"I didn't get my essay done on time because my friend from out of town came to stay and downloaded porn onto the computer which wiped everything"
(overheard in the queue in the 'handing -in-essay-place')
fun times.
OK its not fair to ask about worst lie you ever told buuuuut I can ask what the worse/best excuse you ever heard??
my absoloute favourate was not a lie but brutal honesty, also in the queue for handing in essays.
"I dindn;t do the essay because I was hallosinating that I was a mermaid for most of the weekend"

P.S I kept the spelling errors in this one on purpose to show you just how much editing goes into this thing....stupid brain.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

It's a habit thing

So I'm eating crisps. I really shouldn't as I have a mild addiction to them. Ie won't commit crime for them but will threaten people with physical violence if you were to eat my last packet.
When I finish a bag I fold it once, twice then twist it once and then tie it in a knot. I do this every time, always the same way. Sometimes I note things like that and worry that I might become obsessive compulsive but then I realise I'm too lazy for that so....
Everyone has stuff like that. How many times have you watched a girlfriend/boyfriend/husband etc... do something and think to yourself "pffft they freekin do that every time with their tea bag. Dip in twice then on the side of the plate. Or they always split open an Oreo and eat each section separately."
At what point though does it move from quirk to full blown psychosis? (a word  that apparently I can spell fine but struggle with  crisps...I always add an 'h', sigh)
Actually, tomorrow (If I remember) I want to post a blog with all the spelling mistakes in tact to see how much editing one of these things takes cos of my daft brain, should be fun.
...Did I just interrupt myself...twice??? Wow aaaaaanyway. The human brain is a complex machine and so its OK if it throws a cog every now and then. Some of my other habits include

doodling on any peace of paper that passes me by.
Playing with something like a pen lid or paper clip while I'm thinking or doing something else until I have destroyed it to its component atoms
whistle the same three or four bar tune (which I don't know) at odd times.
Say shut up Chris if I think Ive gone too far, in front of people, out loud.
change my pillow round and round through the night searching for the "cool" side

and so on. You know reading this list makes me want to take some kind of "So you think you're a nutter?" test.
I've only just scratched the surface as well. The really fun thing is that you can pass on these quirks to people close to you. I'm sure that the reason my brother twirls his wedding band round and round is because our father does the exact same thing. I started washing dishes with lots and lots of foam (more than you need trust me) after watching my ex do it over and over.

Oh and that doesn't cover the list of things I do with my specs. Wow we'd be here all night. I pull a really long face and push them up on my nose. I scrunch up my face to wiggle them back on if i don't have the energy for the finger thing. I take them off and rub my face if I'm trying to get my thoughts out of my mouth in some kind of order. I twirl the round by one leg.

You know what's coming don't you?
I would love to hear some weird habits of every ones. You know you want to. Probably my favourite is sometimes, when I think no ones watch i sniff my food before eating it. Not a sniff the milk to make sure its OK,  I do a wee sniff of a fork full.
Well I'm off there are some men here that want to fit me for a shirt with extra long sleeves that buckle up the back. Ttfn

Monday, 25 October 2010

It's Druk thung p[art 2

So its that time again.
Drunken blogging
I have two coping methods, 1 is making a joke and 2 i lie about how many coping methods I have. Joking is literally all I have. Seriously at my grandfather funeral (who I loved dearly and I wish to emulate in every  way)  when my uncle said "this calls for a couple of whiskeies" i said "good idea. Ill have a couple of whiskies too"
Dont get me wrong, i feel the feelings i just deal with them in a specific way.
Call me fat? Ill joke, say im stupid ill joke, birth of my first nehphew ill joke. Is it valid? i dont care this is the way i deal with things.
Point is im stressed about uni work, its not getting on  top of me exactly. its just hard and there is alot of pressue. this is my last chance to actually make something of myself. if i cant do this then i end up staking shelfs for the rest of my life. Im actually scared that i will be working in a shop till the day that i die and that i will never make my life worthy. i will die and people will say "chris ?? oh uh yeah i remember that guy, worked in tesco unill he was 55. Heart attack kinda sad" and thats it. after 6 months ill be gone for good
Well i say no fuck that. im going to make it, im going to get a degee with honers and im going to make myself and everyone else proud, but this does change the fact that right now i dont feel like i can cope?. how much work does it take before you crake?? it certainly doesn't make u week to neeed help or indeed when u need help if its right from the beginning or in ur 4th year. i think what im tryig to say is if you need to talk to someoe about it do so even if its a trusted friend ir a officional ....alternativly talk to me im  good listner, but if i mak a joke dont take it like im not taking it serouslt i am it justthe way i deal with stress.
Never feel bad that you feel overwhelmed, never feel bad that you have to ask for help and never ever give up just besace its difficult.
I have felt depression, I once stayed in bed for 3 months becuse i didnt see the point of getting up. Everyone hated me after all so what was the point. get a job? ill just be fired. get a girlfriend she'll just leave me "this too wil pass" so they say and im sorry if that seems glib or stupid but it will happen. You are not alone you  are not without Friends and family, you too can get over it.

Once i had lost my job, my girlfrfiend of 10 years, my flat, my life all in 3 months. I felt nothing. i felt lke there was no pont i felt i deserved the fate  because i was worth nothing.
It will feel hopeless, hard, without point. DO IT. talk to someone. say something. im so sorry but u have to say something to someone. of the hundred billion sperm that swum through that channel you wer the one that made it. you have the fight the drive to make it. and i bow down to you becuase you have the fight to make it.
I love you becuse you will nwver give up, you will make it beause deep down you will say fuck THEM. do it not because i say so but because YOU say so . FUCK THEM
you have to move on, if ur seeing someone that will help or if u jst have a partner that can keep the bad away.

Look you will fell overwhelmed, like it doesnt matter because you dont have a chance. but its opk to feel that wat but you cant let it  own you,  get angry, get even, get help even if its from me. next time u get an essay? "fuck you i can do this and in half the time!!"

m drunk, gonna sooooo gonnnnna deleate this, the morra

Sunday, 24 October 2010

It's a commenting thing

So I'm on youtube allot. More than is healthy probably. (spelling fail, every word in that sentence was spelt wrong 1st time round). And the comments are getting me down. See once upon a time two things were true. 1.Not every one was on the internet and so the ones that were on, ie commenting on videos were a certain type. (12-18 boys that were nerds, computer programmers that were nerds, and perhaps 3 girls that were allowed to be nerds at the time).
(the opinion of this writer is that girls can be nerds if they want its just how things were then....He would also like to state id be totally awesome if more girls were nerds)
and 2.these people were socially malajused malcontent's that lived to screw this people.
This is simply not true anymore
98% (figure made up) of the world is now online and so the comments should be a rich tapestry of thoughts feelings and opinions....they are not.
A typical exchange
Imatit says: This is shit. Why bother posting this?
Smallpenis says: So fake.
Obviouslycompensatingforsomething says: Fag
           @Obviouslycompensatingforsomething: Your a fag. From wanker69
                @wanker69: It's You're not your. If you're going to insult someone get it right noob.
Spamsitethatwillkillyourcomputer says: Wow I liked this!! Want to see real films? go to
Imatit: God spammers!!
Obviouslycompensatingforsomething says: Fag
Iwillneverfeelthetouchofawomen: 1st!!!!

And so on...
This means that the whole world now acts like this online. The internet has become the electronic equivalent of a high school bully. He no longer even knows why he thumps people or insults them, it's become a reflex.
Now I have so far resisted replying back to other peoples comments but i have posted comments on vidoes that I like.
A typical exchange
Penfold (this is me btw) says. I actually liked this. It made me laugh. Keep it up!
    @Penfold: Fuck me dude. Why don't you just suck his cock. from willdiealone
          @willdiealone: leave him alone. He's prolly a 15 year old kid who doesn't know what he's talking about.From hemeantwell
Obviouslycompensatingforsomething says: Fag

and so on...
What Im trying to say here is that just because the internet give you a certain anonimaty this means that people suddenly act like children. Does this mean that deep down everyone wants to throw off the niceties of society and run around covered in paint and screaming in peoples ear so they jump? I hope not
 I would like to think that people , deep down, are good people trying to do their best. That the nonsensical gibberish they put on the net is just venting steam over the fact that they may hate their jobs, or are failing math in high school etc...

OK worst/funniest thing you seen on a comments page?
Mine was when someone called someone else. a morose, pathetic thunderjobbie
Made me laugh all day.
Well I gotta go watch twenty compilations of hermoine/ron pictures on youtube set to some music that has long been taken down for copyright violations. ttfn

Saturday, 23 October 2010

It's a home thing

So I was at my parents house last night therefore i couldn't be here. Did you miss me? Awwww that's sweet
As I wandered from room to room in that house I was suddenly struck by how different the house looks. The kitchen has been newly fitted  and now I can't find anything. My old room ( long since gone of course) is now a guest room etc. The past is a different country ,they say,  they do things differently there. I began to wonder at what point does your parent home stop becoming your home? A place to call your own is one of those fundamental things that you need. Somewhere that you feel safe and protected from the outside world. Where you are greeted with a warm smile and a big hug, or maby just a nod and told "theres beer in the fridge".
I've lived in halls of residence for the last year and a half and if there is one place that is not a permanent place to hang your hat its halls. Its very nature is temporary.
Don't get me wrong I loved halls and the people i lived with but it was never a place where you put down the last box after moving, look around with a thousand yard stare, and say "yeah I could really make a go of it here"
Its a state of mind. I go back to my folk house and ...well I'm a guest. I fight the urge to ask permission before using the bathroom.
I think the last home I lived in was with my ex. Counting the amount of time I lived with her and we wearn't together any more I haven't had a "place" for 3 years.
It's a sad kind of feeling really, to not belong somewhere. To lack those smiles of people who are glad to see you.
Then of course I think of the friends I've made here. the people in my life right now who make me happy. The course that I'm doing and how for the first time in a long time I feel  like I have a place. Then I realise that home isn't a building its a state of mind.
Welcome home Chrissy

Thursday, 21 October 2010

It's a career thing

So, I had to fill in some form for uni work. Asking me to reflect on  the things ive done for far etc. It got me thinking about where this is all going. I'm in second year now and time is moving at about warp factor 10 here. It gonna be Christmas in like eight weeks or something, nuts, anyway. (if you type in gonna one of the spelling suggestions is gonad heh heh snort). Where do i want to go with my degree? It such a bad question because if I set myself up for a goal ill be disappointed if it goes FUBAR on the other hand it will  help with my decision making in  3rd and 4th year if I have at least some idea here this is all going. At the moment my thoughts are
im hungry
English teacher
"something" in publishing
did the new episode of smallville come out today
Not what you would call set in marble. See unless you're doing a vocational degree like teaching or nursing I would argue that the question of "what next?" doesn't really occur to people until half way through 4th year. Does this mean im ahead of the game or just a worrier? who knows. What I do know is that I do want to start thinking about what's going to happen.
I'd love to be a writer, but do I have the discipline for that? id bee my own boss sure but my boss is a lazy SOB If I let him.
A teacher? well that would be good too but frankly I remember what teenagers are like and I hated school the first time round
Journalist ? hmm no i have morals...See its hard
So...what do you want to be when you grow up?? bare in mind at this stage of the game "space cowboy" is sadly no longer an option.

It's a pre-Halloween thing

Yaaaaawwwwn, man I'm tired. Hangover city today. The whole flat went out and had a good time but it means that today its been a little quiet around here and plus I haven't really had the brain capacity to write my name never mind a blog. So right...what to talk about?
I mean if I don't have anything to say why write anything at all right??
Still on reading week so time is supposed to be spent catching up on reading and doing essays etc... i wonder just how many people actually do that? 5% maby the rest, lets face it, probably got home for a week or something.
Getting excited about Halloween now. It getting closer and its my favourite holiday. The reason why is because its the only one you can enjoy for your entire life.
The early passion for Christmas fades over time and if you never have kids its difficult to get it back . New years can only be enjoyed from 20 to say 50 ? because after a certain age drinking all night stops becoming fun. Easter? meh at any age. With Halloween dress up till you're a teenager, then its going out with friends. 20's till 40's or so dress up and drinking. After that its sitting with a bowl of candy handing out treats to people that come to your door.
Its a holiday that's always fun.
Course the other thing is as a pagan this is a special time of year for me too.
I have a digital camera that I picked up for a few quid over a tenner so I'll be posting some pictures at some point that I find interesting this depends on two things of course. a, I can figure out how to work the bloody thing and b, I actually find anything interesting to shoot.
OK my brain is creaking so that means we're done for the day. ttfn
Favourite holiday?? love Christmas, always look forward to martin Luther king day? Let us know
I have to look out my costume....and by costume I mean long coat.......and by look out I mean try and remember where I put it.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Its a geek thing

So recently Ive been embracing my geek heritage. You see up until recently I have kept it to myself, since lets face its the whole comics, computer games, sci fi is all kinda "fringe" stuff. So I'm always embarrassed that I'll say something geeky and people will all look at me, the room will go silent, someone will drop a glass and a couple of the men will faint to proclamations of good gods as they slump to the floor.
But as Ive become more comfortable is uni land i have discovered that just about anything goes and in a place where, stoner goggles wearing people go hand in hand with renaissance style intellectuals then being a geek is very small potatoes.  Plus i have been informed I have retro cool, now I'm not sue what that means but I'm taken it as a compliment.
I sit typing before you now with no less than four t shirts bearing superhero logo's. superman(TM), batman (TM), ironman(TM) and green lantern(TM).
Green lantern(TM) is my particular favourite, he's a sort of intergalactic police man who protects sector 2814 (earth (TM)). He does this by using the green lantern ring the so called "most powerful weapon in the galaxy" which uses sheer willpower to work.
I think I like him so much because of the shear verity of the stuff he can do, but that a simple blow to the head , if he's not paying attention, can knocking out of a fight. Plus theres that whole yellow thing. Mostly though its  watching allot of Warner brothers cartoons as a kid. See GL (TM) can create anything with his ring and sometimes he makes giant anvils and things to drop on people and that just brings me back to watching bugs, daffy and the rest doing the same.
I've also started on my history essay....
The really cool thing about GL (TM)  though is he makes mistakes. Most superheros don't do this ( eith the exception of spiderman (TM) because he does nothing but mistakes). The most famous GL (TM) of all times was Hal Jordon who failed to protect his hometown when it was destroyed with a huge bomb. Then he set his Ring to recreate the city down to every lamp post and mail flap. When the guardians (his boss) heard about this they were pissed and called him for disciplinary action, and so he went rogue and tried to take out the green lantern core (TM). He very nearly succeeded.
I admire superheros because they always try to do the right thing in a world of doubt that something to emulate.
So geekiest thing about you??, watch star trek?, like the sci fi channel?, have every season of buffy on dvd??. Let me know :)

Anyway I here the essay calling, Quick!! to the bat pendrive

P.S when I misspelt spiderman earlier one of the things it came up with was "did you mean Superman?" fuckin philistines.

Monday, 18 October 2010

its a drunk ting

So this is seriously ill advised.
I'm doing one of these half cut. Don't worry there will be no weeping or secret confessions etc...
If you read this and see its gone in the momrning then i apologise as im too cowardly to keep it up.
OK so I suffer from low self esteem.  I do and I can't shake it. Is it a tiresome thing where I was bullied? or I was predisposed to it because I'm not...classically good looking? Is just a pathetic short, fat guy thing? is it that easy and obvious?? Wow that kinda sucks, id hate to think that im that predictable.
I dont even realise if thats a ral thought or if its just a feel shit about my self thought
I can actually equate that to my dyslexia, bare with me,  when i see a word thats misspelt I know its wrong. I read enough to know that its wrong but I can't  fix it. The soloution is right there in my head but I cant figure it out. The same is true with the self esteem thing. i hear people say nice things about me, intelecually i can see there point but i just dont beleave it. i dont think they are lieing but i just dont buy it.
Tell me this though do you ever really take a compliment...anyone!
Yeaaah didnt think so.
I would love to focus on my positives, honestly, but i dont see it heppenning. Does this make me a chore? im....nice in a goofy way. cute, not hansome I'll go as far as cute. im alway there for people i genuinly want to help.
Im not ugly exaclty just not the norm.... i knew this was a mistake

Look all this has a purpose im not just being weird  (although that is my thing) I wanted to ask everyone. Do you ever feel like this? like you dont really deserve the hapyness you get. if you dont then I should probibly talk to a professional.
Im ...just ..sick of feeling like i dont matter, im so sorry to burden you? with this. you know the worst part?? im nevrer actaully gonna eleave  even if its signed by the lady herself that i can change this about me, am i destined to feel like an asshole forever....

Yeah this is so getting delited tommoro, sorry everyone

Sunday, 17 October 2010

It's muttermutter thing

So , I've not done much today as it is the official start of reading week and so I have a lot to do in the next few days. In fact i have only ventured out of the house once. It all started about 45 minutes ago when I was on the toilet ( ill spare you the details) and I realised there was no toilet paper....Some one had used the last of it and then left. ( god knows where I've not seen my flatmates for days)
Annnyway, I discovered I need to go to the shop. I got changed, and left the building. I walked past the library , which I only just discovered was there so I'm edgy about it muttermutter. I walked to the bank machine and tried to insert my student card into it. A trawl of my pockets reviled I had neglected to bring my bank card so it was back to the flat.
I got back to the machine in record time and put the card in the options were "see balance", "pin information", print balance". I shrugged and cancellated that and then reinserted the card. The same three options appeared again. Could this be, I wondered, the machines way of saying it had no money left? So I banged my head against the machine and used the one inside the spar shop. I don't normally use it because it takes a while.
Ice ages passed, I grew my beard out wild man style and then shaved it off again. A couple behind me met, started a family grew and old together, the machine beeped "enter your pin".
mutterMUTter mutter
I got to the shop, picked up beers, crisps, fairy liquid (get lemon or you flatmates hands will erupt into contact dermatitis that makes Freddie Kruger's face look like a mild tan). Get caught staring at a women's ass by her boyfriend only for him to give me the thumbs up sign (more on this later) get some other stuff
Stand in the queue. get bored. start to think about what to write for blog. cant think of anything.
the checkout guy puts my purchases into two bags. In bag A he puts the beers, tin of beans, fairy liquid, pie and into bag B he puts the multi bag of crisps
I start to walk back to the flat as my pants start their inevitable slide towards my ankles. I've no idea why they always wait till my hands are full before doing this but they do.
Its at this point that the boy friend reappears. He smiles at me, gives me the thumbs up again, signs I don't normally associate with a beating so I cautiously wave back.
"This is the guy I told you about Beky" he says
The girl next to me grins. "Alright dancing guy" she says
I laugh once loudly and unconvincingly and carry on my journey. My lopsided bags aren't helping and by the time I get to the steps i'm walking like a man who has two prickly pineapples for testicles in a vain attempt to keep my trousers up. I fall into the flat exhausted from my ordeal and then get to my feet and start unpacking. As I walk out of the kitchen to my room I pass the toilet.........



Coff, so.....How are you?
I have to go wipe off all the spleen i just vented off the walls.....I'll probably have to use up all the toilet roll

Saturday, 16 October 2010

It's a single thing

10 warning signs that you have been single too long develop an  unhealthy relationship with the internet
2. you get a hobby that you previously would have horrified you 4 months ago ( say knitting for example....or building matchstick wonders of the world) realise you've gained 30 pounds and instead of freaking out you say "meh"
4. when dancing in a club you find a spot where you wont be seen start hugging friends of the opposite sex sliiiiiiiightly to long start hugging friends of the same sex sliiiiiiiiighty to long eat a whole Pringle can in one sitting now
8.Romantic comedies cause you to start muttering darkly about the state of the world become obsessive about computer games venting all your aggression on them
10.facebook starts offering you Alcoholics Anonymous ads as well as single sites
11. you start bloggin allot more

I often wonder if human are animals that are supposed to be single all the time only to meet someone have some kids and then leave again. I don't think so, apart from anything else society has allot of pressure on people to be a couple. Ads on TV do not feature single people unless its an add for porn or that's it.
Think about it, even the laddish beer adverts usually feature a couple, albeit a warped version of one. Politician's talk about family values, holidays are for 2, 4 or 6 people, when you go to a restaurant the waitress always asks if you waiting for someone if you are there alone.
So no we are not meant to be alone but being single does offer you other opportunity's. When you in  a couple (this is just my take on it mind) your job is to make THEM happy and their job is to make you happy. This means allot of your time is taken up with focusing on the other person. When your single you are allowed to focus on yourself.
always a silver lining that's me
OK, so best/worst thing about being single?
Personally the best thing is the freedom it allows you, you are beholden to no one and so can come and go as you please.
Worst thing? having no one in your life you can just hang out with, relax be yourself, all the silly in jokes noone else gets.
Any thoughts??
I have to go I can hear the skittles calling me....and some pringles

Friday, 15 October 2010

It's a fashion thing

SO! hows it going?
I am feeling very cheerful today after looking at how many views i've gotten on this thing. The first i dunno 10 or so had about three views each and yesterdays had 24 ooohhh yeah Im popular!.
I did debate even doing one today since yesterday I got greedy and did two but I figured that since one was a flashback it should be fine.
I need a hair cut the curl on the right hand side of my head is back . It always pops up when it gets too long (that's what she said ) its kinda like when the timer pops out on a thanksgiving turkey to show you its done (tone down the American about 20% bub). I bring this up because image is not important to me really. I don't follow fashion, don't wear the latest style hair cut anything like that but recently I've begun to wonder if I shouldn't maybe tidy up my appearance by say 30% ( what's with all the percentages?? this is startin to sound like a math text book). I mean a 30 year old cant go around dressed like a 20 year old it looks to try hard but then I thought well what are 30 year old's supposed to wear?
Jeans? weeeel there's that whole Jeremy Clarkson thing so we wont go there, then there's proper trousers but I feel stupid in them unless im at a job interview, sweat no, I went to the shop in my "House trousers" (sweat pants) the other day and was awkward. What does that leave us with??? Shorts? not good for 8 months of the year. Bicycle shorts ? (AHHH MY EYES IT BURNS). Fuckin chinos? nah I'm 30 not 60.
Well there you have it as a 30 year old I should wear ....balls did we run out of clothes for the bottom half? Hmmmm fine what about a kilt? Don't look at me like that I look good in a kilt, I have good legs.
Ok Awkward....
This being said I have taken a look around my fellow students and at the moment the big fashion choice amount men and women is to wear goggles.
We'll take a moment for that to sink in....dont worry I'll wait.....Fine i'll go pee while your freeking out.....Done yet? gordon bennet Fine ill just start with out you ( thats what she said)
Yeah so goggles, various colours, round the neck or on the forehead it all good. Sometimes it makes me feel like im going to uni in the future so thats kinda cool.
So it would appear that one mans sweatpants are another mans goggles, a sentence I can guarantee you have never been written before.

Worst fashion mistake you ever made?? Mine was (apart from a certain hot pink dress) beige shorts, big socks (white), proper shoes (black), and a black t shirt . Oooh ooooh and there was this other time I went to the shops in my dressing gown by accident
ttfn, I have to go throw out some stuff from my wardrobe just to be on the safe side

Its a flashback thing

So here's what happened. Normally I walk around 8 miles for work. Today was the same. When work was done I waved merrily to the guy who's training me and looked around to see where I was so I could get a bus.
I should mention at this point that at the beginning of my shift I stepped off a curb wrong and twisted my knee, which I'm sure you can appreciate was now on fire.
It was then I realised I had no idea where I was. Despite being in no mood for more walking I picked a likely direction and set off. Oh dear. I did finally find a bus that would get me to princes street (after about thirty minutes). It was then I realised my poked had a hole in it and at some point during the 8 or so miles I'd walked today it must have fallen out. So I thought ho hum never mind. I have a Plan.
It was laughably complicated. I had two pounds in my bank account so I went to a supermarket and bought a £2 chicken sandwedge with it using the self serve system. Then I took to the streets one more. You see I had reasoned that since no one was just going to give me a pound I figured a simple exchange would be in order. I would find a likely looking person and offer them the £2 sandwedge for £1 of bus fare.
It was then that I discovered one of the unwritten laws of the universe...
"People are unlikely to buy a sandwege in the street for any amount of money when I is offered to them by a windblown, dishevelled, limping guy"
 I went to person to person becoming increasingly hysterical and bitter about teh whole process until finally I gave up (after I might add after offering it to some homeless people-true by the way-). I sat on a bench and ate the sandwedge. It was then that I realised that my stumbling footsteps had moved me further off the beaten track. I chewed thoughtfully.
By this point I was getting very angry indeed, as I ate a homeless person (one I had tried to tap for money earlier) came up to me and asked if I had an spare change. I tried to destroy him with my laser vision but then remembered I didn't have laser vision and that made me more angry still. I trawled my pockets and discovered 31p, nowhere near enough. I finished my lunch and like a general who has heard his army came in second I got up and began to walk again. I walked for a further half hour or so before spying 20p on the ground and snatched it up. I found a 5p later and a few coppers. Then I found princes street. I didn't cry I swear.
So now all i had to do was walk the mile and a half to where I live from princes street. Unforunatly I had now been walking for 6 hours and my knee was radiating pain from my ancle to my groin. I wasn't going to make it. The mathatitions among you will have figured out that I now had 60p on me. There was nothing for it, I was going to have to ask for change.
Go somewhere else to learn the details of the next twenty minutes or so I don't have the guts to tell you what It was like.
To cut a long story short ( i know, too late) I managed to get a pound together. I stood at the bus stop tears of gratitude prikling my eyelids. The bus stopped and I got on.
"A pound please" i said placing the change in with a great clatter of coins. The driver gave me a jaundiced look, then he looked through the little slot.
"Thats never a pound son, there's coppers and all sorts. Where's the rest?"

" WHAT! It's  a pound" I wailed. "I counted it".
"He was asking for change at the stop" someone behind me said matter of factly.
The driver nodded as if he'd been expecting this.
"Right, Off" he said
"Could I have my pound back at least" I said knowing the answer.
"Off" he repeated.
The passengers looked at me with blank faces as the bus drove away. Not wanting to part with a little free sympathy.
I walked the rest of the way home and stood under the hot shower until the frustration washed away. After all tomorrow is another day and I'm sure that it will be better. Right?. RIGHT?

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Its a tiding thing

So It's been a while since I did something stupid. I mean really boneheaded, idiotic, well you get the idea.
Yesterday I got locked out of my flat. My flatmates put the chain on and I couldn't get in. I had to sleep on the landing, when that became too uncomfortable I went to sleep outside. Then I got licked by a dog who was being taken for a walk at don't really know how much you screwed up until you get licked in the face by a strange dog at 6am.
So it was with a slightly spaced out view on the world that I started to tidy my room. It hasn't gotten like....really bad but it needed done.
I hovered, put things know tidied. I drifted off for a bit and I was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water when my phone started ringing. I looked around a couldn't find the bloody thing. The phone went off but whoever it was texted and so the text noise would sound occasionally. I hunted high and low but couldn't find it so I gave up. I went into the fridge to get iron bru and found my phone......and my keys.
Somehow at some point in my mad cleaning spree I had put them in the fridge.
I stood there for sometime looking at my ice cold keys and contemplating how the day started with being licked in the face and was halfway through with frozen debit cards.
I was gonna do some washing but at this stage id end up with one red sock in all the whites and ending up looking like a bottle of pepto bismol.
Sometimes I wander what it's like for normal people who this sort of thing does not happen too. I wonder what they talk about at parties?? hehehe
Plus I tried to use lynx on my face instead of shaving foam. So its been a good day.
Whats you worst day ever story?? This isn't mine but we don't have space on the interwebs for all of that.
I'm away to sit quietly in my room and pray for dawn.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Its a bullying thing

So I was bullied ...allot
( the comedian in me very much wants to just stop there hehehe)
And I know I know everyone gets bullied, nothing new, stop moaning, etc.... but this is what I want to talk about today so , thbbbbtttt ( this btw the noise that you make when you stick your tongue out and tried it didn't you, shakes head).

I have a paradoxical  ( a word I just spelt correctly despite that fact I cant spell allot...) feeling towards all the bulling I went through. On one hand i really has affected me in everything I do, say, feel and without it I would be very different. However I don't particularly like myself most of the time so....shrugs.
I can attribute my humour to it though and without the funny i would be COMPLETELY different. You see its harder for someone to pound you if there laughing (yeah ok kicking them in the bollox has the same affect but id need a step ladder). Since I was the centre of attention anyway cos of all the flying rocks at my head i figured I could get it to work for me. Much better to be in the middle of the circle throwing puns than punches.
That said I'm irrationally sensitive about anything i might consider bulling. Sometimes if a friend is just making a joke about me i have to remind myself its all in fun and they don't really mean it. And where's the line? I can call myself fat but if someone shouts "move fatty" in my face, even as a joke, it hurts. I mean is that fair? no its not and frankly it must be hard for the people around me to know whats alright to joke about
It gave me a temper, lets face it i can be a grump at times. ( but don't call me grumpy, it gets me grump.....uh annoyed).
It gave me the ability to laugh at myself, see the pain in others so clearly that I know how to help, never never push a joke to far as to hurt someones feelings.
So what does all this add up too??
Thanks bullies for making me...well me ( i guess), I feel bad that when you look back on our childhood that is what you will remember.( that said I'm sure there was no need for the spitting incident)

So ever been bullied? being bullied now?? ever bullied someone else??
I have to call my mom, once she See's this she'll be worried, wish me luck
P.S Im not sad, worried depressed or being bullied its just what occured to me to write about......SKITTLES

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

It's a kid thing

So I was talking with a few friends today about their kids and we were sharing stories. I borrowed liberally from my own childhood and from my niece and nephew so i had something to say like but anyway. It occurred to me that allot of the stuff you do as a child and get away with would get you locked up now
1. have a fist fight by yourself all afternoon, taking to yourself and inventing whole worlds.
3. throwing a screaming meeme's fit in tesco because you cant get penguins
4.stair at someone on the bus till they get uncomfortable and move
5. point at someone in the street and in the loudest voice possible say "why is... physical aspect of someone so big/small/lopsided"
6. ask the why? question more than twice
and so on.
Did we have more fun as kids? is youth really wasted on the young? Of course we all have our childish moments and to misquote Billy Connelly "I don't want to hang around with someone when presented with a whole bunch of lego wont try and make something with it"
Ohhhhh I had the best collection of lego! Every year dad would get a big pirate ship or a police station out of lego, build it once with the instructions then watch with tears in his eyes and his three sons tear it apart and make "spaceshipsfrommars" (all one word deliberate)
One time....Do you remember quantum leap? Do you remember Al had that hand held calculator thing that told him everything? Well I build one of those and we played quantum leap all after noon one time.......coff ive said too much ( we also played Indiana Jones and the staircase of evil, with my papas old had, my dads old tool kit bag and a rubber snake for the whip)
So favourate toy? game?? did you in fact follow the instructions with legos??
Actually speaking of which I have an urge to go get some. talk laterokby

WOW you can get harry potter leggos!!!! thats so coooool

Monday, 11 October 2010

Its a love thing part 2

So I watched this video on you tube recently and basically I'd like to share with you what I heard and hopefully it will help you cos you know im all about the nice.
Scientology is awesome
OK kidding
It was called the language of love. There are 5 types of the way that people give and receive love and (according to the vid) they run like this
Words of affirmation
Quality time
Receiving gifts
Acts of service
Physical touch.
What does this mean? Well essentially everyone falls into one of these categories as to how they like to receive love. The kind of stuff that makes you feel better over all others. So perhaps you much prefer spending quality time with your partner to receiving a gift, A hug is better than any number of compliments or if you see them cut the grass or taking out the trash you know they love you.
Conversely how people give love falls into one of these categories too but not always the same one as the way they receive love. So you may take compliments really well but have trouble doling them out to you significant other so instead you give them a foot rub.

Now as for myself I'd have to say I'm a quality time kinda guy. I cant take compliments and I don't hold much value to money or things that cost allot of money. Spend some time with me and it makes me feel allll better.
As for giving I'm an acts of service. When i sense a friend needs some feel goods I do something for them, especially if they don't ask for it. That is how i show love ( a word btw that stands in for friendship  as well etc).

So what are you?
Does showing love for you mean hugs and kisses or just holding hands? Does you boy/girl friend  telling you look beautiful today just do it for you? If I could ask for a favour? Think about your special someone, or just a friend and think about what makes them tick and maby it'll help you get on better and make you feel better in the process. Or you could just think about yourself and think what you really like and tell the other person, that'd work too.
Anyway, hope this helped
Im away to take the bin out :D

Saturday, 9 October 2010

It's a moral thing

So at the moment we are studying the Renascence in both history and English class, which is good for me because its related (someone recently asked me if film studies was doing the same thing to which my response was "medieval times didn't produce as many films as you would think"). But it got me thinking, at the time people were becoming conflicted as to what made you a moral person. How did you live your life and aim to be the best possible version of yourself? Medieval times it was easy, be a christian, do what the church said and you were off the hook and no matter my issues with the church they usually do promote, kindness, be good to each other, don't hurt, kill , steal from one another. Then in the Renaissance it was to study the classical arts, philosophy, art, music and they will lead you down the path of being a good person. They argued that with a good education the only logical conclusion you could draw was to be a nice guy. Nowadays its harder.
Thin about it, really think. What makes you a good person? Be nice to you're friends and family? look after your kids? No I say that is something that should be the baseline of your behaviour. Everyone should to that regardless and so doing it doesn't make you "good". Give to charity?? Nope, some of us don't have money to give, does that make us evil?? of course not
Some would even argue of course that I'm being childish and that such black and white notions of good and evil only exist in the comic books. Id have to disagree, Ive seen evil and good in people.
Hand on heart I personally  would say that to try to be a good person IS being a good person. If you try a little bit in every way to be a little better in every way that's you being good.
Sure a little politeness goes along way, do something once in awhile (even if it puts you out) that helps a friend ( and this is the important bit) not waiting for a pat on the head is a good thing.
Trying to put right what once went wait that's quantum leap.
Point is to try, is to improve.

So whats you're opinion on all this? what makes a "good" person??

Friday, 8 October 2010

It's a Scottish thing

Jeeze I dint blog yesterday. Why didn't anyone tell me i cant be expected to remember everything. Actually it was deliberate since im in the middle of essay hell right now. 2, 000 words about ...ahhhh you don't care but its dull anyway.
I try and convince myself that an essay is a way to show off you're knowledge, get excited about what your saying I'm not always successful.
So that's why no post yesterday and prolly  a wee one the day.
I watched braveheart yesterday, no a good film to watch in mixed company. I have friends from all over the globe including England and frankly I'm a modern Scot who believes that all that "auld enemy" nonsense is in the dim and distant past but watch that film and oh mey gods it does things to you. Then anchent gingery bearded Scots  that are your ancestors start clamoring in your veins and all of of a sudden you wearing a bath towel around you waste and claiming yourself to be Chris of clan Blackness avenue and It's not like drink was involved. Certain other things do it too, American tourists exclaiming that "they have roads" also gets copious amounts of ginger hair to grow on my chest...but that's another story
Sigh right this isn't getting any work done back to silent movies of Hollywood, aaaah damn it I promised myself I wouldn't bore you with it, oh well.

Movies you should watch: Chaplin , starring Robert Downey Jr.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

It's a Gas thing

I need to fart....I'm serious, I'm in the library, doing studying,(well obviously not now I'm taking a break, jeeze) and i need to fart. If I get up one more time to do it in the bathroom the girls to my right here are going to think I have some kind of problem. I could go over by the printer I guess but I tryed that once and farted on a very quiet ninja type who stealthed up to me to print something and I didn't hear him. This wouldn't happen If I was just an asshole Id just fart, but then the fire alarm would go off...sigh.
So anyway I was looking at some other blogs last night, just trying to pass the time and it struck me they all have something I lack. Kids. That's right 98% (figure may be made up) of the blogs I encountered were about someones kids. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course, and you know...well done for having wains but I just expected More variety. Perhaps I should go get some to make the blog complete, naaahhh I don't have time to be arrested Ive got essays due.
Gawd damn that reminds me. Film studies essay due Monday, two essays in two weeks. Why do you hate me this about the noodle incident?? that was never proved
I'm also reading all about Shakespeare and his sonnets. Apparently he was gay. Or at least bi sexual. "May I compare thee to  summers day"...written about a bloke.
I wonder how our lives would have been shaped if the majority were gay? how would that go??
"Frankly Steven I dont give a damn"
"The Godmother"
"Mr. Robinson are you trying to seduce me?"
"The adventures of Superwomen and Lois Lane"

Meh the same really oh well :).
The quiet mood continues, I'm almost sure my flatmates think I'm pissed off about something

Books, Shakespeare sonnets, Dr. bloody Faustus (still)
P.S Blogger has such words as "Faustus" "Gawd" and "Shakespeare" in its dictionary database but not the words "blogger" or "blog".
The world is a nutty place, just ask any squirrel

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

It's an intelligence thing

_._.   ....  ._.  ..   ...  , human torch, Dr. Faustis, Discovered the new world

In incomprehensible series of non related gibberish you might think, but not so. Everything in the above line is related. I watched a program some time ago about idiot savants. People who are able to do pie to 500 digits in their head or copy a Rembrandt but are incapable of looking after themselves. These poor individuals are a genetic accident, unfortunate souls who cannot understand the world around them but understands everything else.
The line at the top? Yes Im getting there.
One guy in particular stood out, with an IQ not really measurable every time he thinks of something a torrent of information related to that thought pores out of his mouth and he's unable to stop himself. Ask him where he lives? Bowler Avenue. Bowlers play a game that comes in many different forms, including ten pin, nine pin, five pin or Duck pin. The common duck (family Anatidae) are a breed of aquatic birds that can be found on both fresh or salt water, salt (NaCl) is one of the oldest preservatives known to man the world Salary is derived from it. AAAaaand so on ( had to stop there it was oddly hypnotic, try it yourself if your bored :D)
So you see although he is able to memorise and process the information he doesn't fully understand it.

Thats not my problem, My problem is my brain is just a cluttered place. I'm no idiot savant Im just....ditzy. Is there a male version of Ditzy?? Answers on a postcard too....
I have a similar issue to our friend who lives on bowler Avenue, when something pops into my head a bunch other related, but useless, information pops in there too. 
He'rs an example taken from a lecture this week when we were talking about explorers during the Renaissance .
Lecturer: So as you can see  Columbus.....
Me now thinking : Didn't the animanicas do a song about him. No wait im thinking of Magellan they did a song about him. And the 50 states in America...wait 50?? 51?? No its gotta be 50 because there was that film with Ewan McGregor in it called the "fifty first state" which means us. Would it be so bad to be American? Well I wouldn't mind but It wouldn't be a good idea for Britain. Why is everyone leaving?? Ohshit the class is finished. Wait is it English next? What day is it?  AAAaaaannnnd so on.
So really im just a high IQ away from being an Idiot savant...Wait does that just me an idiot???......Balls

Books Im reading, Steven King still and Dr. Faustis for class

....Oh you wanted me to tell you what the stuff at the top has in common??? See how many you get yourself :)

Monday, 4 October 2010

It's a random thing

So, a double post. What, you may be wondering, have you done to deserve this? Perhaps you were a douche in a previous life :). This blog was going to be about how I wanted to make it more colourful by adding pictures and images. A habit from when I blogger before, unfortunately blogger doesn't "hold with that sort of thing". Oh don't get me wrong its happy with pictures from a camera etc but not wee moving smiles or any thing that kind of thing. So I'll have to go back to the drawing board on this one. I realise of course that this makes THIS post a biiiiiiit pointless and redundant. Sort of like using the words pointless and redundant in the same sentence.
Now I'm explaining to my flatmate what I'm doing, while I type meaning that I'm explaining how pointless it is even as I'm typing. She is reading these words as I type them ......Ok we'll stop there before I loose my mind entirely
So just ignore this one and hopefully what little of my mind remains will return tomorrow

P.S someone asked me today why I always start with "So..." I find it to be the blogging equivalent of saying "Hi. How are ya?" to someone before starting a conversation. Try starting a conversation without using that phrase or an equivalent....I'll wait.

Well why did you get your girlfriend out the shower to ask? You could of waited...Don't give me that look. Anyway she looked at you funny right? See can't be done.

Should I even post this one? I come off as more than a little loopy......Ah screw it

Books reading at the moment,  "Ritchard Hammond's autobiography, and Steven Kings "on writing"

Not my fault he opened the shower door, he should have knocked. Why was she showering this late at night anyway?...bloody weirdos.

It'a love thing

So, given I kinda "went off on one" yesterday cos I was freaked out about the nightmare today I'm gonna get back on track.
Love is a many splendid thing, all you need is love, love is all around.
One of my favourite movie of all time is ..shhhhh. "the Holiday", the reason for this is because it features all the different type of love. Love for a good man/woman, love of you children, lost love, nostalgic love and of course unreturned love. Love, the purest emotion there is, that is not given back is a horrible feeling.
I'm not going to go on about this but I've been in love and it makes you a better person for it.
human being are, by nature, selfish creatures. We really only think about ourselves the majority of the time. Think about it almost every emotion you have is motivated one way or another is because your selfish.
Anger, this will affect me!, jealousy, why can't I have that!, happiness, something good has happened to me!.
Me, me, me.
But not love. Love is what happens when someone Else's happiness becomes your priority. That's why relationships fail. People forget that its the other person you have to be there for because they will be there for you.
Now this is not a totally unbiased view, im a secret ( not so secret, ed) hopeless romantic. Hampered of course by my male brain. I can wax lyrcal about love on the cold page but find myself only able to mutter an awkward "love you" with a blush in person. And thats even if I get the courage to say it in the first place. My usualy MO is to become friends first, set up in the freinds \one, and within weeks become the mayor and have endure this line more than once.
"You're such a good friend!! I would never date you it would ruin the friendship. Now help me with my boyfriend issues"
If I sound bitter, I'm not really because I really beleave if its right, its right. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise :)

anyway tomorrow, some jokes!
rate, comment subscribe
And love each other

Sunday, 3 October 2010

It's a nightmare thing

So I'm a little twitchy today, I had a nightmare. In it I woke up like normal, got dressed, went to uni the whole thing. When I got home there were reports of a virus sweeping the globe. Before long it became clear that the virus was bringing the dead back to life. I was shitting myself. To me all this was totally real and I was now in  a zombie apocalypse. This was a problem because lets face it the chubby glasses guy all ways gets eaten first. Especially if he's the comic relief.  So we go to the supermarket down the road , steal some supplies ...and a car and we drive to the country. Again to me this was all real, the 8 hours of dream encompassed about 2 weeks. At one point , in my dream, I cooked everyone dinner. Fucking dinner, I remember chopping the bloody onions.
Anyway, as inevitably happens we take in a stray who didn't tell us he was bit and he goes nuts and kills half of us, all people from uni, and we set off again. I had to stab several friends in the face and cut of their heads This time with no supplies and no plan. Eventually we stop for gas and this is when I'm attacked. We bundle me into the car and drive off. My flatmate Claire, tells me she's sorry but we have to get rid of me I'm infected. I start crying and tell her I'm sorry. Then they kick me out of the car. I break a few ribs and my leg. The zombies, who have been following the car, catch me and tear me limb from limb. This is when I wake up with tears on my pillow.
It was so real, I got up locked the door to my room, turned on my laptop and the lights and huddled into my covers. The thing that really got me, the thing that despite the early time I couldn't get back to sleep, the worst thing was that I couldn't decide if I was still dreaming and it was going to happen to me again. That tomorrow id wake up as normal and by the end of the week id be broken and bloody on the side of a lonely highway.
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I have to go fit a barricade around our front door

Saturday, 2 October 2010

I'm the man

So yesterday I was sitting at my computer and I head quite allot of screams from the hallway. I was going to get up and investigate but before I could my flatmates (including the two guys) came in and started gabbling that a wasp was in the bathroom and could I get it out for them.
Suddenly i was the man.
I'm not exactly an alpha male , pissing contests never interested me. I'm not into traditionally manly things such as cars, football and being racist so it's not an every day occurrence being "the man". The last time was a few years ago when I de-iced the freezer with a screw driver. My flatmate at the time commented that it was the first time she'd actually seen do anything "manly"
So what is manly?? What is this indefinable quality that makes you manly? Getting rid of wasps is part of it, as is de-icing freezers but how are the two related?. Its a mystery.
As I said before I'm not alpha male but nevertheless occasionally when I'm in the supermarket I am sexed by the terrible urge to buy some tools. Not that I'd use them you understand but just so I would have them there. Rather like Arthur Dent and his towel.
In an age where gender rolls are becoming more fluid is it even desirable to be manly any more? Do women, despite all the feminist literature, still like to see a man unscrew a jam jar lid or put up a shelf? Who knows....hang on I'll ask my female flatmate..... OK she says that its fine for a guy to hold open a door, or what ever but not because he assumes she cant do it for herself. She also says  that being manly isn't on her list of things she looks for in a guy, hmmmm.
Do you guys have an opinion about this? Is manly on its way out or is there always a place for a little testosterone??
Rate, comment, subscribe I have to go put some shelves up.....grrrrrr

Friday, 1 October 2010

Ok, time to do the essay....ooohhh shiney

So today I had my first essay to do in five months or so. It stuck me, as it always does when I write the bloody things, is how I can write 2, 000 words in a short story in an hour and a half, a blog in twenty minutes but It takes 5 hours to write a thousand words for an essay. It because of interest of course, I'm interested in my writing and my blogging but not so much in the causes of Chris Columbus and his inability to read a map.
That has to be crap of course because I love English and film and I love talking abut them so It cant be that.
I think it must be because I'm obsessive about the word count. The word count reaches the limit and I can knock off and go get some skittles so i watch it.
I was watching it today for my 1, 000 word essay earlier it ran like this
12.00-12.30: 503 words
12.31-12.45:525 words
12.46-1.00: 600 words
1.01-1.45: 1001 words
See the closer it gets to the limit the more I spend my time, sighing, eating crisps, stretching, cleaning my glasses rather than actually fecking writing. When I'm writing my stories I'm hunched over the keyboard attacking it like it called my mom something horrible.
The other problem is that I am usually excited coming to the blank page with writing. I'm looking forward to what happens with my characters as much as the readers are. With an essay you will do ANYTHING to avoid writing it. Last year when the essays had started to pile up my room had never been that tidy, my books were organised, the room was dusted for feck sake. It was at the point that I said to myself "perhaps I should get some ironing done" that I realised I had lost my mind and I needed to start writing the essay.
Point of fact I'm writing this when I should be editing the essay I just finished, damn it.
Comment, rate, subscribe so I have something to respond too rather than doing essay work
wait was the word count 1, 000 or 1, 500 for that essay ?? ahhhhhbugger