Sunday, 28 November 2010

Snow joke the diet will succeed

So its snowing, this is not news :)
I'm going to a snowball fight later its gonna be epic and I dint even feel guilty for blowing off my essay hehe. I think the last snowball fight I was in was back in 1994-95 ad it was before the days when such things were banned in school. It was pretty awesome, unfortunately I had decided to get back at a few bullies figuring that they would never notice it was me in the hail of snowballs. This, it turns out, was wrong. Ah well
There's something about it that beings out the child in anyone, yeah ok I concede you may get a few grumps who look jaundicedly out of a window and proclaim in a Eeyore voice " Well how am I supposed to drive in this"
I don't care cos Im a pedestrian, that said I did fall on my ass twice yesterday and apparently its even worse out there today, hehe.
The diets going well as far as I can tell, having no scales means I'm pretty much guessing at this point, but what has startled me are the amount of people who are worried about me. Normally when I diet (not that on a diet) people say "good on ye" and then forget all about it with the unspoken words"about bloody time" this time though people are worried I'm not doing it right and will soon waste away to nothing (although that would take me several years) Joking aside eating disorders are not funny and can lead to serious health problems. I don't think a "love of cheeseburgers " constitutes having one but you cant be too careful.
The trouble is of course that although i feel a bit better I don't look any different so its usually at this stage I get discouraged and start eating chips. Not this time!
I'm joining a gym
Ive only joined a gym twice before and both times it really worked but both times money was the issue and frankly I don't have a solution to this yet but perhaps something will come to me. Bottom line is that this time I'm going to succeed HAH.
Also last night we experienced thundersnow!!!
A kinda rare phinomomin.......phanonimin.......p....h.....fuckit thing where the conditions are just right and there is thunder and lightning AND snow. It..was...awesome

P.S i apologise for the bad pun in the title, couldn't help myself
Favourite type of weather? I LOVE really heavy rain, with a thunderstorm

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