Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Excuse me while I change

So, change
Change happens all the time, wither you want it to or not. Like most people I'm not a fan. I like things the way they are and if I get into a routine I stick to it. However Ive got to say most of the changes in my life have lead to positive things. Take moving to a different city for example. Ive done this twice now where I don't know anyone and have no idea what's going to happen but both times its gone really well. When my dad moved us away from the only home id ever known I resented him for it but it was a good decision because the life I'm leading now would have been very different  if it hadn't been for that.
Have you ever tried to do that? pin point one event in your whole life that lead you down the path your on now.
I can pin point exactly when my life changed, when it got onto the rad I'm now on.
I was in the lunch queue in high school and my friend asked me what I was doing after school finished and I said i was going into acting. Id tried all the acting colleges that i knew and had been rejected from them all. Then one of the girls from class , who had never talked to me before ( she was popular ) said "Im doing acting too, have you tired Edinburgh" and that one conversation lead me to move there next year, I  met my ex there and we spent 10 very Happy years together. I would never change that one thing because although Ive not always appreciated it Ive lead a good life, not one filled with money or time off, tremendous success or more than 5 shirts but is led to love and happiness, friends I would never change. Its led me to where i am now, going to uni. (ME?...UNI?...It's nuts).
My point is that change although scary and takes you out of your comfort zone, if things arnt working out for you in a situation change it, better to do that and wonder what might have been and I'm telling you. In my thirty years on this ball of rock its not the rejections or the mocking for trying that makes me upset when i think of them its the missed chances and the regrets that keep me up at night.

Its an interesting exercise actually try and think about the one thing that changed you life forever. Something that you can trace your life now to begin responsible for.
Kevin Smith the American director once missed a plane because he was hungover.Not significant? It was headed for new York on September the 11th....yeah THAT plane
I have to go change this empt can for a full one. See change is good :)


  1. i sometimes wish blogs just had a simple 'like' button.

  2. hehe yeah that way I could actually see if people read these or if im just talking to myself :)
