Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Religion......oh dear and winters coming yaaay

So the blogs fallen off a wee bit, all my own fault really but hopefully this is me back for a bit. Recently I've been having allot of conversations with people about the nature of the Christian religion. Not for any reason other than in History class we are talking about the 14th to 16th century and frankly allot of the stuff that happened then was to do with that particular thing.
Now like allot of you I was raised in a Christian religion, protestantism to be precise and additionally like allot of you I stopped believing in it around the time I stopped sticking lego up my nose. (about 6 months ago, kidding)
Once I was free to choose my own religious belief's i did just that.
However what surprised me about the class is that many times during our discussions it became apparent that nearly half of the class were not only Christan but regularly attended church. I honestly thought in this day and age belief's in the Christian faith had dwindled and that very few people actually believed in the big beard in the sky.
Now OK I'm being glib here and and not mocking anyone for their beliefs (and frankly as someone who believes everything has "energy" I'm on shaky ground there) I was just surprised is all.
Actually just briefly
Have you ever noticed how some friends just....exhaust you? You talk to them , you have a good time, they are usually quite a lively type person but afterwards you just want to sleep. Now this is not true of all talky people, I know tones of folk who will talk till their tongue drops out but will never tire me out like others do.
Just a thought...
Or like people will talk about a room having a feel to them.?
Oh and also today was the first time I heard a Christmas song played in the union, sad I know considering its only October but there you have it.
I like winter actually, when the snow covers everything it makes everything seem..new again. Like its been wiped clean for a fresh start.
Do you have a memory like that?
Your all wrapped up till only you nose is really cold, your green wellies crunch satisfactorally on the crisp white snow and your breath steams out from under your scarf. The air tastes clean and burns your lungs a bit but you take deep breaths anyway. Then you turn the corner and there's your house and inside you know that a parent has a big mug of hot chocolate ready with little marshmallows in and you go and sit with your small hands wrapped round the mug and look out of the window as a new flurry starts, wiping out what small impressions you made on the snow on your way up.
mmmmmmm, cosy

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