Friday, 5 November 2010

It's a muse thing

So today I want to go a little off topic (don't you always-Ed) and talk about something close to my lungs (couldn't have stopped myself for a big bag of skittles). I want to talk about writing (again??) OK enough brackets (o.O).
Specifically the concept of the Muse.In ancient Greece these Goddesses would whisper in your ear and inspire you to great creative heights. They are traditionally depicted as beautiful women, usually holding musical instruments or the "masks" of drama.
When I mentioned Muses those of you who knew what they were most likely thought of twinkling fairy light like tinkerbell.
When most writers are asked they usually talk of thinking about something completely different when inspiration suddenly hits. That , for want of a better word, I a Muse. Now I want to be clear I don't actually think this person is real, Im not delusional.
Mines not like that.
She doesn't say much for a start, and frankly she's quite impatient with me allot of the time. She also likes to tell me things when Im miles away from paper and pen. Actually this happens allot to me. My brain will tell me ive forgotten something when Im at the front door but wont tell what that thing is.
ME: Just tell me, I'll read something really intellectual for you later.
BRAIN: No. Besides reading about spiderman online is not "intellectual"
Then about an hour later, or whenever I'm at the cash register, he'll wait until im one from the front and whisper
"You don't have you wallet"
Such is life......what was I talking about, oh yeah Muses.
Thinking about Muses, in turn makes me think of the fact that we aren't really one person but lots. Seriously are you the same person with you parents as with your friends?
"Oi, Ma!! pass them MOFO potatoes willya, im fecking parched gaspin over here"
Mu Huh....
 SO Muses, you know if you don't stop interrupting me I'll never get done.
Your job , when writing, is to show up at the same time every day and write, regardless of how inspired you feel. The Muse will descend when she's good and ready. That way she can find you easily should she deign to join you.

So I should probably go back to studying now but before I do, do us a favour and put the link for the blog on your facebook channels too. That way friends of friends get to see the ramblings.
Probably don't show them the two drunk ones first though eh

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