Friday, 5 November 2010

It's a tradition thing

So something just popped into my head
Its so weird how things that happened long ago, adjust and then become the things we know now. Example, we burn a big bonfire at this time and put a straw man on top. What if he was sick that day? better yet if he was run over by a horse. What would be do on November 5th? would we all gather round the traditional november 5th chocolate cake instead?? or or Christmas, what if the man of the house would have to curve the watermelon every year cos it was tradition. If instead of a pagan renewal ritual of bringing in greenery into the house which became "putting up the Christmas tree" what if it was tradition to have a celebration of the wildlife. Every year you'd have to keep a pig in the house for 10 days.
What if Jebus didn't rise after three days and the pagans thought the having a rabbit at spring time was a daft idea and that a crow was a better animal? We wouldn't have Easter, there would be the tradition of dressing up in black, lots of eye-liner and we would eat grapes in place of eyeballs ( crow favourite food).
And once you start to think about it the whole thing unravels before your eyes. what if there was no worship of the moon?.  Monday (started as "Moonday or 'the moons day'" wouln't exist. Id be called something else, what if people felt that Hermes, messenger of the gods, would be a more appropriate Deity to lend his name too the first day of the week. Id go Hermeday, tuesday...etc. In fact if Oden had not lent his name to Wednesday then there's be no Wednesday. What if we called it Dionysus after the god or wine??? Id be Dionoday instead. What if Thor wasn't there?? no Thursday
Ok Ive gotten fixated on the day of the week thing.  

Anyway so....yeah, right just think about that when you're out tonight watching the fireworks because lets face it you could have just as easily been sitting down to the traditional face painting and twister that you do every year at this time

.....why are you all looking at me like that?


  1. :( i dont get to watch the fireworks, i have to work instead. this makes me very sad.

  2. whaaaaat? that kinda blows. I take it ur still hard at work doing law stuff. what about face painting and twister??
