Tuesday, 16 November 2010

...Just off the top of my head

Thought It would be fun to just write down whatever comes into my head rather than pick a topic. Rambling for ramblings sake :)

So, diets going well and even if I don't look any different I feel a bit better and that's always good.
Only three weeks to go before the exams start. I don't really feel prepared at all but it would seem that everyone feels the same so that makes me feel a bit better.
Two essays due in two weeks, this will (hopefully ) be a repeat of a few weeks ago when I had to write two essays in a weekend, shudder. I kinda promised myself that this semester I would work harder but if anything I feel I've slacked off a bit more. Damn
My club card points arrived, I feel dirty using them frankly. I'd like to think I'm not one of those people who does this sort of thing but as a penniless student id be daft not to take advantage of money off, ah well.
Got to the end of supernatural and now I need something else to watch, any suggestions?
The other day my flatmate threw my pillow into the shower when it was running..... I'm sure I was supposed to laugh it off and congratulate him on a good joke but all I felt was a lump in my throat thinking of all the times my clothes ended up in the showers in high school. AND I KNOW THAT'S STUPID.
That was years ago for one and my friend certainly didn't indent for me to get upset but I cant help feeling that after a certain point teasing becomes bulling....sigh anyway.
Watched who framed roger rabbit the other day, gods haven't seen that one in aaaages. Still funny and Jessica Rabbit is still the hottest collection of pixels I've seen (sorry miss Croft)
I need a hair cut..... badly I'm starting to look like I sleep rough.
I'm hungry.
I should get a DC poster to match my marvel superhero one, for balance of course. Its weird though the marvel characters always look a bit more rag-tag and fun. DC seems very uniform and austere. Think about it one side you have spiderman, wolverine and hulk....can you picture them?...Hulks the green one...sigh anyway next to them is Superman, Batman and Wonder women. See now I bet you pictured them arms folded glaring at you where as Spidy was probably upside down, hulk was mid smash and wolverine was snarling claws bared. Still not what youd want to meet in a dark ally but more varied. (also can I just add the spell check is goin nuts about spiderman etc but Superman?? oh yeah that's a word...its a conspiracy)
well better get back to the essays...they get lonely without me.

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