Monday, 22 November 2010

Internets back!!

Look I'm sorry Ive been gone but the Internet was down in my flat. are you?? I'm fine, essays the usually heh. You look great by the way have you done something with your hair? I thought so :) Suits you.
I kinda missed it, glad to be back. I had taken to rambling nonsense to random people in the library and now no one will sit near me.
I learned the other day that one of my lecturers is 31. He's only eight or nine months older than me. Now of course some of this will be due to his massive brain but a part of me wonders what would of happened if id buckled down a bit in high school and sorted my life out sooner would I be up there teaching the class rather than sitting in it? Maby
My life at the moment if pretty good though so why wish for more. I can't help looking around of course and people around me are getting married, having kids, getting jobs. I feel Ive perhaps dragged my feet to long. I'm 30 years old and what do I have to show for my time ? nothing

Someone once said that you are not truly dead until your loved ones stop thinking about you. That you live on in their memories. How long after I'm gone will people remember me if I leave nothing behind part from a few well thumbed books.

This semester ends in 3 weeks, that's crazy. No time has past at all but here we are.

A friend of mine is leaving in a few days. Wither she is coming beck or not we don't know. I'm not sure she knows. She will be gone until September and its sad. The firs person I have met in Dundee. I was climbing up the stairs to halls with my arms full of books and at the last step i tripped and fell through the door right at her feet, books everywhere, she stared down at me and laughed thus setting the tone for our friendship from then on. I do something stupid she laughs at me.
She always needs to be right, she has to have things in just the right way, she never lets things go and she's a pain in the ass
And Im going to miss her terribly.

I actually cant remember if she read this blog or not, heh no doubt within minutes of posting it she'll come through punch me on the arm and call me an ass....not a friend punch eather she punches like im attacking her and she fighting for her life. Anyway if she does Hi C-bear, sorry if I embarrassed you or said something you didn't like but I cant edit these once there up so tough.

Im gonna head theres something in my eye

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