Monday, 1 November 2010

It's a stress thing

So tell me this, does this look like the pen lid of someone who has it all in hand? No this pen looks like it belongs to Tim Burton. Of course if it really belonged to Tim Burton then Jonny Depp would be sitting on top of it.
I noticed the serious problem my pen was having (see I chew pen lids if im stressed) during my film leacure today, this means that I didn't really pay attention to the lecture. (which was really good cos it was about invasion of the body snatchers) so im sorry I missed it.
Im sorry I just realised how deathly dull this is....
Seriously you sit down with you cup of tea/bottle of beer/tall glass with a dash of rum, milk and ice whatever. And your Oreo cookie.... there's no other options if you don't like Oreo cookies then there's no hope for you. And load up blogger to view your daily slice of odd and suddenly.......pen lid.
Aaaanyway As the pen lid can testify things are stressful right now essays are handed in but now I have to deal with the massive back log of stuff ive missed out on doing owing to essays.
Hopefully this will be the last mention of essays for a while Im sick of typing it. Frankly however thats all that going on in my life right now. Today I over head someone talking about studying for their exams, which in 4 or 5 weeks. I mean yeah be prepared OK but is there any need to scare the bee jebus outa me?
The movie for facebook is coming out soon..... I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean if were going to go down this road why not have a movie about youtube?
Nic Cage IS the troll. a guy who will go to any lengths to hack people off by making obviously inflammatory comments just to annoy folk.
Or a movie about blogger?
Silverster Stallone IS blogboy34, he mainly talks about his kids with the implications that he is the first person to ever go through 3am feedings.
Just a thought....
So im stressed because when I finish up here I have to go watch two films (cos i missed the leacture) each two hours long for class tomorrow at 9am. I mean normally I'd sit here and watch movies but these are for claaaaass man !!!

Favourite movie you would like to see based on a website?
Mine would be I'd be differant you've got to admit and the title alone would be a draw.
I have to go watch black and white movies till I fall asleep at the keyboard.

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