Tuesday, 2 November 2010

It's a writing thing

So here I sit between class, having the time and the inclination to write but no real inspiration. I decided therefore to come over here and type nonsense for a bit hopefully that will get me going.
I do love writing but sometimes when you are looking at that mocking white page with the little icon thing flashing back and forth , which in my head in my darker moments  is saying "no talent no talent no talent" in time with the blinks.....damn what is the little flashy thing called..its not icon, what is it?
OK its called a caret.
Now I can move on with my life.
Anyway so the caret is flashing away and bugging me and the page is still maddeningly blank. Steven King once said "writing is easy all you have to do is stare at the blank page until your forehead bleeds" I know what he's talking about. Still any bad day of writing is better than any good day with out it so I persevere.
When I was younger worked in shops I used to write ideas for stories on the back of till receipts. Id hit the "feed" button and reams of white paper would spit out and id write in tiny writing. Sometimes I could fit a  whole story on there if it was a quiet enough day. Then later I wrote long hand in old jotter books. I like writing long hand actually, typing has a pain sometimes because it can slow you down if you start making mistakes but the same problem with a twist happens writing with pen. I get excited about what I'm writing and my writing becomes intelligible even to me later. So the detail gets lost.
King says you should write ever day, including your birthdays, Christmas and new years. Frankly he makes a good point as he owns two houses and has more money than Midus. Do I write every day? Technically yes. I have this blog, i write thoughts down but I certainly don't write full blown fiction every day. Perhaps I should? Ah but that might take me away from my studies. But then allot of writers have gotten where they are today by burning the candle at both ends. Most started with full  time jobs. King worked washing laundry, and was a teacher of English when his first book "carrie" was sold. He didn't quit his job right away either. It was only when his third book "The shineing" went on sale that he made that move.
Inciently I've just noticed I put both book titles in italics like you have to do in an essay.....sigh its rotted my brain.
In third year for English one of my options is a creative writing module, I'd have to be  a fool to pas sup the chance to learn from professionals. Apparently all you have to do is submit a peace of work to them and they allow you in based on that. It also means I can get a gage on whither I'm any good or not. If I'm going to do that of course I should probably be more dedicated and start writing every day....hmmmm
Well Ive got to go as I have a sudden urge to go write
OK favourite author? pace of prose or poetry??
Ive got too many to talk about but I will leave you with a peace of Terry Prattchett
"In the beginning there was nothing. Which exploded"

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