Sunday, 26 September 2010

Sunday will be now known as Hungover day.

So its Sunday, traditionally a lazy day. Full of relaxation, breakfast in bed, the newspaper, long walks and sunday drives, birds singing in the trees, a BBQ with some select friends.....
Yeeeaaaano, you see the reality is very diferant fomr the one we see on telly and adverts. For oe thing if yiou are a certain age (15-65) you are probibly hung over. This means that, eating, driving, and readin are all out. Plus if there are birds singing in the trees you are shouting at them.
So whats a real sunday like? Well it depends on your life style, if you have kids then its CBBES from 6am untill 5pm, with breackfast, lunch and dinner in between. If your a student, like me, then well ok you should be studing , like me, or you're hungover and studing (ie youve got the books open but your just doodling in the margins). If you are onne of the above? god knows, what does a sober sunday look like? Maby you do go for long drives in teh country or read the paper in bed. Sounds awful. Do you reacon people realise when they are being clechie?
I never could get the hang of Sundays. Any fun you do have is tempered by the fact that tommoro is Monday. If God exisited then im sure I ccan gues the stuff he made on a Monday. Traffic wardens, late notices, assemble it yourself furniture and adverts on youtube. When I worked as a chef I did notice the number of complaints went up. Not I hasten to add because the food was any less good but because people were in such a foul mood because they had to be back at work that they found more fault in things. My personal favourate being "This chillie is spicy. I dont like chillie spicy"
To which the head chef replyed "So you want mince then?"
Of course now its all changed, monday too me is just another day. In fact Monday isnt really bad at all apart for my 4pm tutoral.
No fuckit Mondays are ,and always will be, the basturd child of the week.
The new Chirs week will now look like this, Starting with Monday.
is it friday?
thank fuck its friday
What do you do on a sunday? drive hungover? forget greggs is shut and thump your head against the glass? eat what ever the hell you bought from the kebab shop last night and then actually feel better???
Comment or Subscribe. You cant do both...ok you can
If I drink beer now does it count as leftovers from last night?

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