Tuesday, 14 August 2012

It's a technology thing.....again

So I got my new PC, well my dads old PC, but its stilll 3 years more advanced than my old one. Now this comes with its own problems namly remembering ever bloody password you have ever typed into everything. One day im going to have one password for everything but of course thats not safe. You would be just aswell having it as a post-it nots on your monator wich by the way ive seen people do.
Im also downloading all my games back onto the PC.
It was all going fine, well as fine as sitting watching progress bars for a day goes. Untill i came across one game
Batman arkam city.
A good game and one i didnt really get a chance to play before my old computer, mayherestinpeace, went bye bye.  So In order to get it to run i must first
1.download steam. (time 10.45)
2.remember my password, after a few tries I get it right ( this only took 5 minutes and was by far the easiest step)
3.Down load the game, now my dads connection is good so I only had to sit for 20 minutes stairing at a screen
4.Click play ( this is where the problems, reeeeeeealy started)
5.upon hitting play a message chimes saying it needs updates. huh.... shouldnt that have done that automatically when i downloaded it? well never mind
6.more watching progress bars
7.click play again. this time it says cos this is the first time running this game on this PC it needs a systems check.
8.progress bar....
9.hit play ( this time the click is done with more force necassary, always a danger sign) enter your 14 digit product code? well its usually on the box but this was a digital down load. the only way to access it is to find it on steam. It..it wont let me click anything except on the red X or the boxes where the numbers should go. Finally quit out of the game and go back to steam. 'Copy' the numbers onto the mouse and then load the game up again.
10. 10 steps already and ive not even gotten to a menu yet.....
11.The boxes wont let me 'paste' the numbers in. I have to do it manually. Which means I have to quit out AGAIN and copy them all down. Except the house is going through the great pen and paper drought of  2012 to I take a picture on my phone.( By this time sweat has begun to pool  from my brow and im getting a headache)
12. I put the numbers in
13. i put the numbers in again because ive put 43 instead of 34. Dyslexia FTW
14. A MENU!!!. Hit play game
15. i must be signed into window live to play this enter my password??.....FUCKING!!!...no its fine, its fine..
16. enter several wrong passwords before giving up and saying ive forgotten, they send me an email with a link, I follow the link, re-enter the new password aaaaand, still doesnt work (Time: 11.32)
17.try it again, several more times before realiseing as its microsoft they are only going to allow my hotmail account not my yahoo one. Which means the business with the changing passwords has wasted time and will never work. why do they allow me to do this then? Why? Why not JUST FUCKING....deep breath
18 ok finally sign into windows live......windows live would like to update. NO FUCK OFF I WANT TO PLAY!!!!!
Windows live will not save youre game if you dont update.
FINE!! fine, update then......
19.Windows live will require a few minutes...loading screen
20.there is a new licence agreement...I agree
21. its deleated all my saves.....

So I got it working and when I finish writing this im going to play. Im not really at home with technology. One day im worried in going to blow mount crazy all over the keybored and kill the thing with a boot to the RAM.
Well anyway , ramble over for the day, TTFN

P.S. Ive downloaded Arkahm Asylum. Not Arckham CITY. FUCKIT, im away to play with lego