Wednesday, 28 March 2012

It's a realization thing

I consider myself a nice guy, In fact you will have heard me de-cry this more than likey
"I'm a nice guy so why......"
Ive always tried to be a nice person, tried to do the right thing in situations that call for it etc. However as I was playing battlefield 3 last night It suddenly occurred to me "Im not really nice at all"
Oh before u all go nuts let me explain.
I was overaggressive, sarcastic, passive agressive, winey, childish , hot tempered. The list goes on. What im tring to say is that its easy to abstain from sweets when its not raining candy.
Im nice when things are fine but the minute I got into a stressful situation, ie, playing this game it turned into a brat.
So what the hell? Ive spent my whole life watching what i say and tring to keep my temper in check and ive failed? How much do i have to do? At what point do u get to say " im  a good person now" Sheesh

In other news the weather here has been fantastic recently. I think its true that when you have bad times the good ones are so much sweeter and thats certainly true for the scots and the sun. We dont get enough of it, in fact we have all sorts of brittle bones etc problems as we really dont have enough vitamin D in our diet.
Ever had a craving for something out of no-where. Like bananananas? or cheeseburgers......yeah thats prolly not one, i just love cheeseburgers.......wait here one sec i have to get something real quick.

ok im back....what the hell was i talk...wait i remember, yeah ,
Suddenly you just want one. Well thats ur body craving whatever vitamin or minerals can be found in that food. ( incase ur wondering the vitamin in cheeseburgers is CH3-BR3) Well its the same with sunlight, scots just dont get enough, and so when it comes we strip off and run towards the nearest patch of green stuff.
So there you go. Scots.. we dont have enough sun: the more you know

Monday, 19 March 2012

It's a study thing

Hi :)
So how do you study? Not as an easy to answer question as it sounds.
Everyone does it differantly, Some need silence, others need people round them. Others still can only study at him with the door shut and ac/dc blasting.
To each thier own. Its actually comparable to asking someone how they read, or for that matter who they write.
Im very specific. When I study/write essays I have to be in the library. There are far too many distractions at home. Books I could read, games I could play. Then of course there is the mother of all time wasters the internet.
When I write stories however I cant be disturbed and if you want to know badly I take it when someone tries to talk to me when I'm writing ask this guys liver since its the only part of him that survived
Plus you know what guys do when left on their own for any amount of time, that's right you guessed it, play call of Duty. So the house  ( for studying in any case) is a no go.
I think I like the library so much because it has the whiff of academia plus you get to socialize . I tried the union but its too balanced on the socialistic scale coupled with the fact if you can smell beer you cant study , SCIENCE.
And the books are ready to hand as is the water machine which keeps me going in the same way that computers need electricity, some women need shoes, some guys need football and everyone needs clarkies pie shop.
Oh also if I spend too much time on my own I get....weird. Like locked into my own head, trapped in a constant cycle of my own thoughts, caged within.......whoa, it nearly happened there.
So asking someone is like asking someone how do you eat eggs? Scrambled, boiled , fried, poached, battered? It doesn't matter because in the end. You get to eat an egg.
You'd think I'd have a point to all this so you're clearly new here
ttfn :)

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Its tipsy thing

Hullo :). Since I didnt want to do a drunk blog Alison suggested I do a typsy once instead. So here we go, three beers in.
Thoughts so far....Im hungry. I want to go dancing
Right thats, that out of my system.
Now if ur reading this you are prolly hungover since it will be sunday, and u went to paddies day. I hope you had fun, drunk something green, and woke up wearing an amusing hat.
I have often wondered why we dont celebrate st andrews day like we do st paddy. Perhaps, green just goes with everything, perhaps it falls on an awkward day every year or perhaps we all might die.
Think about it, nothing is more dangerous than a drunk scot who is a) drunk b) feelin patriotic.
The ones that didnt die of violence on the day would die the next of alchol poisoning.
And that would be the end of scotland. No more haggis :(. No more wisky :O no more 4 differant types of weather in the space of five minutes, no more days when its warm but a cold breeze blows in, just for a second,  with a hint of the sea.
It would be aweful.
SO for the sake of everyone, no st andrews day.
Aye so your prolly hungover and reading this with one eye open and a bacon sammich in one hand (or grilled avacado for any veggies/vegans in the audience) and a biiiiiiiig glass of water in the other.......Actually mate your hand is shaking, u better put that water in a bottle with a screw on top since ur next to ur laptop. On you go we'll wait.........
Cool, i feel better now.
So to sign off last year i wrote a silly poem in a few minutes about paddies day, so ill do the same again this year.

You drank mighty and you drunk fine,
You spewed green in the gutter,
'heh look guys threw up a  lime',
U danced on the bar and behaved like a nutter

Now the green is on your gills,
your head pounds and you gut swells,
'never again' you promise yourself
as you chuck booze away you found on the shelf

But then, something stirs, like a caged mountain lion
It calls to you, with the voice of  a siren
You cant resist,you run at a sprint
Its tuesday now, time for SKINT

ttfn :)

Friday, 16 March 2012

Its a new thing

Welcome to 2012 everyone :)
(its march i know....shut up)
For some reason, im not going to question it, I have 42 views today. This has inspired me to write some nonsense.
I'm coming to the end of third year now and its forcing me to ask the big questions. What am i going to do after uni? What will my life be once this whole crazy ride is over? Just how will one tree hill end?
The fact is I  dont know. The reason I dont know is because im scared
Scared to think of my life once uni is over. Im happy, happy for the first time in....Well. A long time.
i dont want it to end, any of it. Lunches in the library, Skint nights out, having a large group of friends to call on, having close friends, who i just sit and watch the telly with and be content, doing something that i love, fuck even writing essays.
Is it just because I was never keen on the whole real world thing? Of growing up?
Its possible.
i find it more likely that im just happy and I dont want it to end. Its  a special kind of torment for students you know, to realize your life as it is has a defiate ending.
and this is a big one
I changed my life, radically, I moved cities, left every mate I had, my support structure. BUT it was a good decision. The best one ive made. The beauty of change is that if it happens it can lead onto something even better. If it doesnt?? CHANGE IT! simple as. Life is too short to stay in a situation ur miserable in.
And I know what your saying, Its not always as easy as that. But it doesnt have to be an over night thing. Even changing something small can be so good for u.
Anyway, this is all old stuff. Things im almost sure ive said before and here I am prattling on about doing something new.
So here it is, something new. When this essay is done im going to start sending off stuff to publishers again.
A writer once said " I want to fly! to soar near the clouds" and his wife replyed "first finish your eggs"
Well ive finished my eggs. :D
ttfn, new blogs comin